CALL FOR PAPERS – Emerging Tech Conference “Edge Intelligence” 2024
Edge Intelligence (ETCEI 2024)
Thursday 17 & Friday 18 October 2024
Volos, Greece
The 2024 edition of the Emerging Tech Conference Edge Intelligence will be held from 17 to 18 October in
Volos, Greece. The aim of the ETCEI 2024 Conference is to highlight the synergies and results of the
cooperation of academic and research institutions and their researchers with entrepreneurial entities in
cutting-edge technology fields. Papers and posters – along with keynote speeches and conference material -,
will be included in the “ETCEI 2024 Highlights” volume published by HETiA. Selected high-quality full papers will be included in a special volume of the “EPiC series in Computing” journal (indexed in SCOPUS)
Objectives and Scope
- Conference: The conference program will include presentations of results in both lecture and poster format as well as discussion panels.
- Exhibition: An engaging exhibition will take place where the conference Sponsors will highlight their latest advancements & technological innovation.
- Career Day: A career day will be organized for the University students to facilitate the connection and the transition to the ICT industry.
- Smart applications of Edge/Fog Computing: Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Digital Twins, Smart Mobility, etc
- Edge AI and Machine Learning at the Edge
- Novel Applications and Case Studies with Edge and Fog Computing for IoT
- IoT and Edge-Oriented software development processes and quality metrics
- Deployment, Management, and Maintenance of Edge intelligent systems
- Sensor and sensors interfacing technologies
- Energy optimization for Edge devices
- New technologies & Environmental protection
- Electric Vehicles & Electromobility
- Energy storage systems
- Architectures, Frameworks, Techniques, and Protocols for Intelligent Edge/Fog Processing
- Edge solutions towards 5G integration
- Hardware design and prototyping for Edge and Fog Computing for IoT
- Simulation and Analysis Techniques for Edge Intelligence
- Digitalization & Optimization
- Circuits and systems for Edge applications
Important Dates
- Paper Submission: 21-07-2024
- Notification of Paper Acceptance: 31-08-2024
- Final Paper Submission: 13-09-2024
- Registration for accepted papers: 29-09-2024
- Conference & Exhibition Dates: 17 & 18-10-2024
- Career Day: 18-10-2024
ETCEI2024 – Papers Submission Link: SUBMISSION LINK
ETCEI 2024 – Registration Fees: REGISTRATION
Conference Venue
The conference will take place at the new building of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Univ. of Thessaly: conference.hetia.org/venue
Hellenic Emerging Technologies Industry Association (HETiA) & University of Thessaly
Inquiries Conference Websitehttps://conference.hetia.org/
For inquiries, please contact us (with subject starting with ETCEI 2024) at: