Semiconductors: The Big Thing in Technology Bringing Investments – How Greece Can Become a Development Lever
Europe’s commitment to invest over 40 billion euros in semiconductors highlights their crucial role in modern electronics.
The global microchip market is on a rapid growth, projected to reach 1 trillion dollars by 2030 and Greece is making strides in this industry. The ‘Chips Act,’ a European initiative, aims to create a favorable environment for microchip investments, recognizing their importance in the tech landscape.
Explore the special issue on businessnews.gr, where industry experts, including Emmanuel Zervakis (ES Systems and President of HETiA), Polychronis Xekalakis (NVIDIA), Charalampos Bakolias (Ansys and HETiA Board Member), and George Sidiropoulos (from Think Silicon, an Applied Materials company), provide valuable perspectives on Greece’s path to growth, innovation, and the essential strategies for the future.
Read the full article: https://www.businessnews.gr/epixeiriseis/item/273200-imiagogoi-to-big-thing-tis-texnologias-pou-fernei-ependyseis-pos-i-ellada-borei-na-ginei-moxlos-anaptyksis