“IP Rights workshop” organized by HETiA
The workshop “IP Rights workshop by HETiA” was held with the HETiA members of the Hellenic Emerging Technologies Industry Association and executives of technology companies on Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 18:30 at the NCSR “Demokritos” Library.
The program of the event included, among others, the following presentations by distinguished business and HETiA members:
Mr. Tarek Fahmi from Ascenda Law Group | website: www.ascendalaw.com
Dr. Nikos Zervas from Cast Inc. | website: www.cast-inc.com
Dr. Charalampos Bakolias from Helic S.A. | website: www.helic.com
Dr. Christos Georgopoulos from Inaccess Networks S.A. | website: www.inaccess.com
Dr. Alexandros Tsoukalis from Micrel Medical Devises S.A. | website: www.micrelmed.com
Dr. George Sidiropoulos from Think Silicon S.A. | website: www.think-silicon.com
“IP Rights workshop by HETiA” was coordinated by Dr. Sotiris Bantas,
President & CEO of Centaur, Vice President of HETiA.
A Networking Cocktail followed with Association members and VIP guests, offering valuable opportunities for networking and exchange of views, in the excellent atmosphere of the NCSR “Demokritos” Library.
The HETIA Board of Directors