HETiA participated in the Career Days 2022 organised by the University of Thessaly’s career office that took place online on the 17th of May
HETiA participated in the Career Days 2022 organised by the University of Thessaly’s career office.
The “2022 Career Days” (CD 22) was an especially significant outreaching event of the University of Thessaly (UoTh) as it acted as the gathering point of undergraduates and graduates of the UoTh with representatives and HR executives of Greek firms. CD 22’s main objective was to support young people while bridging the UoTh and the country’s workforce that is seeking for new employees.
HETiA was represented by its Cluster Manager Mr. Georgios Stravopodis that introduced the association to the attendees.
In collaboration with College Link – represented by Mr. Yiannis Imelos and Mrs. Evita Tsami, we also presented four career paths available at HETiA members that can take graduates far in their career: the Full Stack Developer, the Integrated Circuits (IC) Design Engineer, the Data Engineer/Analyst and the Tech Product Manager – with each role explained for duties and required skills.
The presentations were warmly received and created awareness and anticipation for existing and future career opportunities.
The HETiA Board of Directors